Friday, January 14, 2011

Slow Week The Flu Bug Hit!!

This week has been less than productive. Oh well, it happens. I have started working on reusable sandwich bags. My daughter said she would like some for her family. She said the ones she had found were $15.00 a piece, unbelievable! I was able to get all the fabrics needed to make 30 or more for around $20.00. It takes about 20 minutes to make one. I think I would sell 5 for $12.00. Sure that isn't much profit but ........No of anyone that would like to order some? I have a bunch cut out and ready to go.

I am also half way done with another quilt top. It isn't the best but it is different. I was thinking about doing a twin size but when I put so much effort into a quilt I would like it to be more useful. It will be a very nice quilt when I get finished. I am working hard to keep it more masculin, no pink.

It is getting late and I need to get my flu bug body to bed. I hope I have some strength tomorrow. Good Night.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Holidays are over and I am back to work.

I have really enjoyed taking some time off from the shop and the sewing machine. I have been pleasantly surprised with some sales over the past few days. What a nice blessing, the extra money is needed after a big Christmas.

I have some new things cut out and ready to make up. I hope I can get to at least one tomorrow and post it on Etsy. Tuesday I should be able to get a lot more done since I won't be working at Wal-Mart and possibly Lexi will get to spend the day with her daddy. I can't tell you how much I enjoy having her in our home and family. She is a real blessing, All of the grand kids are actually but I don't get to enjoy them everyday like we do Lexi. I truly wish all the kids could spend more time with us, the teens probably would not want too but I think all the others would.

So tomorrow I need to spend one hour cleaning the shop before I start sewing and that is not something I look forward too. But it has to be done. Maybe if I had some walk in customers it would seem more worth the effort. Once I get it cleaned up it will be so nice working in there again.

My bed is calling my name, so a good nights sleep is what I am going to get. Talk to you later.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year 2011, where did 2010 go?!!

I can't believe it has been 5 months since my last blog. This past year has brought business highs and lows but more lows than expected. I feel like I have learned alot and hope to use that to my advantage this year.

Before I do anything I am trying to de-clutter my house and shop. It is a slow process but I am sticking to it until it is done. I started cleaning before Christmas and did pretty good but then with a house full of family and lots of celebrating it put me behind and now it is hard to get started again. So this is the first goal of the year.

Something I tried to do the past few years is to please all the customers instead of designing and sewing to please me. I was watching what was being made by others and I assumed it was selling. Well, it didn't work and then I realized if I was seeing it again and again, it was not selling, duh! Then I noticed when I designed and made items my way it generated alot more interest and I was happier. So that is my second goal this year, to do it my way.

I also know I should advertise but what media and where? I would love to utilize the computer since this has been my most successful source of business. I need to learn to operate this machine to my benefit.

Well, there it is, hope you will join me and maybe give me some input. I could use cheerleaders. Have a wonderful day and good luck to you and your family this new year.